Using the concept from the 1800s, the Filthy Clay Bar was cured for a whole year to get capabilities of not just preserving the sensitive skin but also adding protection to it. This is the finest organic soap for the whole family to enjoy.
It’s not just a regular organic olive oil soap with any random clay in it. Premium French red clay is used to make this rich formulation.
For those who love good quality and well-smelling organic lavender soap the Raw Rejuvenating Red Clay Bar is your ideal pick!
Meant For – Athletes/The whole family/Organic Soap Lovers.
Organic Ingredients:
French red clay, olive oil, sustainable palm, essential oils of lavender, and total disdain for chemical-rich soaps sold at grocery stores and farmer's markets.
Save Price of One Bar by Purchasing This 5-Bar Bundle of Raw Rejuvenating Red Clay Bar is your ideal pick! Clay Bar Right Here !!