Well! From a retailers point of view buy both!!! But to be real, I tell people the Wonder Women yet it lacks bubbles makes up in scent! Throw it in a loufa and boom you got more bubbles!!

The charcoal bar well it always being on back order makes it speak for itself, it has a very satisfying smell with tons of lather!! I tell people just switch off so you can enjoy the benefits of both that I can confidentially say!!

The Filthy Soap Guy #NASTY Specials!

  • TheFilthySoapGuy's All In One Intrusive Charcoal Bar - 5 pack!!
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  • TheFilthySoapGuy's Nasty Pack – Get the Antibacterial Soap for Body & Face in Bundle Now!
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  • TheFilthySoapGuy's Rejuvenating Red Clay 5-Pack - Pay Less! Get More!
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Handmade BY:

Our Soap is handmade by Filthy Animal with only the best Organic ingredients.

Shane Ellison,MS, The founder of Filthy Animal, is an author who has a bachelor's degree in biology from Fort Lewis College and a master's degree in organic chemistry from Northern Arizona University. Shane was also previously employed with Big pharma! Shane was tired of seeing and being a part of an organazation that was not in the business to help sick people, but rather in the market to keep people sick to turn huge profits!! Mr. Ellison wanted to use his knowledge and background to truly change peoples life, by ditching there med's and live a true healthy life, by educating people on what they should put in and on there bodies. Filthy Animal soap is based on research from as far back as 2500 BC, Babylonian chemists made it to stop infection.

Filthy Animal Image 2

What some Our Loyal Amazing Customer's have to say:

That soap has really cleared up my psoriasis. I notice a pretty big difference. Again, I appreciate it. Looks like you might have a customer for life!

Coach Brenton

Andrew is in LOVE with the soap! Can we buy more Wonder Woman and Charcoal please?


This soap honestly has helped my husband's athletes foot. Thank you!


We Are Veteran Owned Business

veteran owned business
athletes with soap

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